Wednesday 3 September 2014

Elizabeth Taylor's Love Letter Auction...!!!

A love letter written by late actress Elizabeth Taylor to her husband Richard Burton, is for sale. Before they split, and three months before their first divorce, she wrote the letter to her husband.... 

In the letter, Taylor pledges her love to her husband, writing: “My darling (my still) My husband... I wish I could tell you of my love for you, of my fear, my delight, my pure animal pleasure of you - (with you) - my jealousy, my pride, my anger at you, at times.
“Most of all my love for you, and whatever love you can dole out to me - I wish I could write about it but I can’t... Anyway I lust thee, Your (still) Wife,” the letter further reads.

The note is expected to be sold for at least $59,500 (35,000 pounds) in an online auction on the Paul Fraser Collectibles website. The couple remarried in 1975 and divorced for a second time in 1976. Her husband Richard Burton died in 1984 and Taylor passed away in 2011.

for more information Click Here


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